Friday, March 8, 2013

"The surgery went perfect!"

She is out ( has actually been out a couple of hours just haven't had a chance to post until now). Dr. Lee said the surgery went perfect. She is doing really good, just hasn't woke up yet. At least she seems comfortable. It was hard to see her the first time since they didnt have a bandage on her head. She also has a tube in her mouth to keep her tongue forward until she wakes up. She has an incision on her neck too from the vagus nerve stimulator(which is basically a pacemaker for the brain). We are in ICU and will be for a day or so until they move her up to a room. I will continue to keep you all posted on anything new.


  1. Praise God! My prayer has been for healing, peace for all of you, wisdom for the doctors/nurses and I serve a God who DID IT ALL! Thank you Jesus. I love you guys. -Annabel Nelson xoxox

  2. Thanks for all the updates. So glad you were able to rest and praising the Lord for the surgery going perfectly---so many answers to prayer. Continuing to pray for all of you. Blessings, Donna Jones

  3. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Remembering you in our prayers daily.

    David, Lisa and Micah
