Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Off all meds!!

Today she is officially off all seizure meds!! And doing great!! Praise The Lord!!! What a relief it is to get completely off all that medicine, with all those side effects. She had been on various seizure meds for more than half her life. She did really well coming off of them this time too. When we have weined off certain ones before, she has gone through withdrawals, but not this time!! This week, she has appeared to have less melt downs. She has been happier. On Sunday, we were in the house all day(following church) because it rained. Morgan did not get upset even once about not getting to go outside. She entertained herself happily in her room by swinging herself on her swing. She and Will also played chase a few times. Not one time did she have to go to timeout! That is a huge step because she is usually happiest being outside. We are so thankful for the little improvements we are seeing, especially with her behavior, as it makes it easier on everyone when she is happy and calm. We continue to count our blessings and are ao thankful for how God is healing her.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Last night Morgan came to me requesting to be tickled and would giggle and laugh! She would come sit down with me on the chair and then grab my hands to put on her stomach to tickle. She would laugh and then run off and come back. This went on for about 30 minutes. It was great! So awesome to see her happy, interactive, and communicating. And so awesome to hear the laughter! The laughter that was taken from her and that we prayed to come back! Thank you, Lord. Yesterday, we went to get Morgan registered to get ABA therapy( Applied Behavioral Analysis). A trained behavioral therapist would come out to our house and help teach us to work with Morgan and help her communicate and behave more appropriately. This would be so helpful for us! We just have to get all the testing and documents in place and then hopefully have services in a few months. So looking back over the past week, it was a pretty good week. Yes, there were some melt downs, but there were some enjoyable moments too. So thankful for the fun times and the laughter!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happenings this past week

Good happenings: Morgan got some good reports at school, having great days as quoted by the teacher. She is sitting better during circle time and attending better to task. She is playing and interacting with the kids at school. She plays tag and will come and tag you then run away to be chased. She and Will played for a long time the other day, and Morgan was having so much fun, that she was giggling and laughing. She continues to communicate by grabbing our hands and taking us to what she wants. She is understanding more of what we are saying. We tell her to set her cup down and she will, without throwing it. She responds to no, even though she will test you a lot first. We focus on these improvements. However, there are still daily struggles that need prayer. Bad happenings: temper. Her temper flares when ever she doesn't get what she wants or when she falls down and hurts herself. She doesn't know how to control it. She gets so upset, she bangs her head, screams, and throws herself on the floor. These are getting hard to control so definitely asking for prayer on this one. It is also difficult to travel with her. She doesn't like the car and she doesn't like being out of her comfort zone: her house. She has everything she wants and needs at our house and she is comfortable there. I pray and believe this is just a phase and a season of life we are going through. I so hope to get our lives back and be able to go and do things with her. But for now, I am just thankful for the fun times we have with her at home and focus on the improvements so far.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

One year ago today

It has been one year today since her surgery. March 4 2013, we made the drive to Austin for her first surgery to insert the grid. I was thumbing through emails today and came across the prayer list. Wow, how amazing. Every minute of her surgery was covered in prayer by someone. How awesome!! It is so amazing to look back on how far she has come in one year! In about 3 weeks, she will be completely off all seizure meds! She is a happy little girl(with a temper) but feels good and loves to play chase. She is understanding more of what we say everyday. Yesterday, we went to a doctor of rehab to discuss our options for more intensive therapy. She has so much potential now and I really want to capitalize on that and get her as much help as possible. He referred us to get ABA behavioral therapy. I was already on track to get that done through the school, but having an order from him does speed things up. It was not a wasted trip, as I so enjoyed the fellowship time with my wonderful nurse who went with me. God is so good!