Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Long night again

Another sleepless night of seizures back to back. Poor baby. So of course she wasn't as alert for her therapy today, but did participate. The therapists were very impressed that now she is able to get up to kneeling from lying on the floor, can stand by herself, and is walking some. Yesterday the PT put her in a gait trainer to help support her posture and she walked around the gym! She is using her left hand, although doesn't prefer to if her right hand can do it. So the therapists hold down her right hand and make her use her left to reach for something she really wants (like a banana). I see such progress, but these awful seizures are interfering. They zap her energy, however, I pray they are not effective in harming her in any way. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please pray for some sleep for all of us tonight!


  1. Our Prayers are with your family, and for the seizures to stop all together. Sometimes it is four steps forward and two steps back, but she is making progress and that is awesome.

    God Bless you and your family,

    Amy, Wes, Tia and Jason

  2. Praying Jeananne. Our cell group has you and Morgan in our prayers too. I am so happy to hear that Morgan is making stride forward! We will continue to pray that the seizures stop.

    Rene Geistweidt Ince
