Friday, March 22, 2013

A day at home

No therapy on Fridays, at least not in Cedar Park. I worked with her at home some. She is just about walking by herself( when she is not tired). My mom came and stayed with her for awhile so I could run some errands, that was so nice. Morgan had some seizures today, having two in less than an hour during her nap. She still seems to not feel good. That's why I haven't posted any recent pictures. She doesn't have that sparkle of happiness in her eyes and has not smiled in awhile. It is so hard for me to see her this way, and I don't know what to do for her. Also, she can't tell me how she feels yet. It is frustrating for both of us. I know that one day, she will be able to talk and tell me. I pray for patience in waiting on that day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I just thought you might like to know first hand how I felt long ago when I had seizures.
    I seemed to have them at night when I was sleeping. The next couple days I was in a fog. Everything was harder to comprehend and I was just very tired.
    When I was on medicine to control them, I was even in a deeper fog almost like I was drunk. I couldnt even walk straight.
    Eventually they got the dose right (THEY SAID).
    Later on (a couple of years) I went to a different Dr and had the whole gamut of tests again and She came to the conclusion that the dose I was taking then would not stop any seizure so she told me to stop taking the medicine. I have been seizure free since 1984.
    God will Bless your Morgan...Sit back and just watch!!!!
