Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More relaxed at home

Well, not only has Morgan been a little more laid back lately, we all have. Having our wonderful nurse here, six days a week is a true blessing!! Yesterday, when both kids got hurt and were screaming at the same time, it was a little chaotic. She said " I don't know how you did it before by yourself". This is coming from a lady who has raised 15 children. She is so organized and laid back, and such an awesome, Christian lady. I told her, " but you raised 15 children". She said " but this is different". So yes, I have been so much less stressed since having her. She fixes Morgans breakfast and lunch for the next day, feeds her, bathes her, and keeps her off the tables while I am able to help Will with his homework, get things done, and just hang out with the kids until Billy gets home. It is so nice, after working all day, to come home and have help until my husband gets home from work. I am so very thankful. So my advice to anyone with special needs children, is to see if you qualify to get nursing care. Morgan goes to have her vagus stimulator increased again next week. Then, we are most likely going to go to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit in the hospital overnight in December for her EEG. They couldn't get us an ambulatory device until January. Not a big deal. We can handle one night in the hospital. This time, will be so much different. We don't have active seizures to deal with and they don't have to make her have them in order to video them. (Last time we were there, back when we were trying to figure out the cause of the seizures, they took her off all her meds and made her have seizures all night long to video monitor them). Praise God those days are over. We are just there to make sure she's not having any internal activity. Then, hopefully, we can get her off all her seizure meds! Thank you for your prayers that this will happen!

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