Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Improved behavior

The last week has been a little less crazy! Morgan has been calmer for the most part. She has been going to bed easier. She has also been climbing a little less. She is understanding "No!" and actually responding to it. Her new thing this week has been sitting in my lap and rocking with me! This is a big deal and something we have prayed for. Don't ever take that for granted. It is so special just to be able to hold your child and rock them for a few minutes. She has always been too hyperactive to sit still long enough to be held. Also, with all her sensory issues, she hasn't liked being touched. So blessed to have a sister who is a pediatric OT and knows about sensory integration. She has given me some techniques to try. Yes, Morgans therapists have taught me a lot of it, I just have to be reminded. Remember, we have been in " survival mode" lately. Anyone who has a special needs child would understand. That means it is all we could do just to get through the day with the basic needs of life. We were too exhausted to do anything else. Now, with a little breathing room, help from our nurse, and Morgan being calmer, I can think about doing more. So I have started back with the brushing technique for calming and prone on her ball, etc. She is also no longer withdrawing from the reduction in her meds, and is on a lower dose, so I think that is helping as well. Thanks for the prayers, we definitely are receiving them!

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