Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where she was: with those awful seizures

I want to take this post just to reflect on how bad her seizures were, for those who don't know, only to show the miracle of healing that has taken place. Because, it is painful to revisit those times, I do it only to focus on her miracle and give others encouragement. So here goes: just last January, we called EMS out to our house, as she was having seizures over a minute long, that were occurring 3-4 an hour. The doctors called her seizures, partial complex seizures( the ones where her body shakes and her extremities stiffen, and her eyes go out to the side). Often, theses seizures could be stopped with her emergency Diastat, which is Valium. However, it was not stopping them that January day. We did not go to the hospital that day because the seizures subsided after being given oxygen. However, they did not stop, just slowed down. There would be another day later that month where we had to ride in the ambulance to Dells and stayed overnight. One day, she started choking on her food because she had a seizure while eating. Then another time in February, we rode again in the ambulance to Dells and spent a couple of days. I remember that day in the ER, when her seizures were clustering every five minutes. I felt so helpless. No one around seemed as concerned as me. They had given her medicine and her vitals were ok, so they didn't seem worried. However, as a mother, it drives you crazy to feel so helpless and watch your child suffer like that. These were some of the worse times, where all that kept us going was the grace of God and the hope of the upcoming surgery. Of course, this was going on three years of having seizures. But thankfully, her seizures weren't always that bad. They changed over the course of three years. She had stare ones, and grand mal ones. They started out being mostly during the day, to being mostly at night. She saw many a doctor and had many a test run. After spending four days in the hospital one time for video monitoring of her seizures, the only change was to put her on more medication. We tried lots of things, therapy, diet, supplements, to B12 injections, to multiple seizure meds. Although previously against brain surgery, we knew when it was time for our little girl. We were out of options. And now, no witnessed seizures in 6 months! Praise God!