Monday, October 21, 2013

Good weekend

Morgan has been better the last few days. We went to my parents. First trip with Morgan in awhile. Since its only an hour drive, we thought we would try it. She was pretty happy most of the weekend. We stayed busy, being outdoors most of the time, and she did good. She also went right to sleep on Saturday night, even not being in her own bed. So thankful we could actually enjoy time traveling from home without high anxiety. She also had a good day at school, her teacher said. Hopefully, we are past the withdrawals and the behavior will continue to stay good. Now, if only the hyperactivity would stop! Still climbing on tables every second, so please pray for that to stop. Overall, the last three days have actually been enjoyable. So thankful! We see Dr. Clark in about 3 weeks to discuss further about the medications. I would love to be able to go off completely, but have to be sure it is safe. Might have to do another EEG. Anyway, she has the vagus stimulator which also helps. She is on a very low dose and that could be increased if needed. Will keep you posted when it gets closer to our appointment.

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