Monday, October 7, 2013

Meeting Goals

Today, we had Morgans ARD meeting at the school. It was so positive! Everyone focused on her improvement in the last year. We went over her previous goals and discussed new ones. The PT said " Morgan has mastered all her previous goals for PT!" This is so amazing. Especially because this is the same PT that said last year at the ARD, that she couldn't get Morgan to participate at all with her and she wanted to reduce her therapy sessions. It is so amazing, I will say it again. I am just remembering the ARD meeting last year, which was right after we had come back from the Houston doctor that gave us the devastating diagnosis. I was just so sad then and don't know really know how I got through that time, only by the Grace of God. But today, such a different meeting, for such a different Morgan! Her teacher, ST, PT, OT, developmental specialist, and principal were there. They all had new goals for her, and new ideas. The PT will now be working on more advanced trunk stability and balance activities on the bolster swing and eccentric quad strengthening with descending stairs. The OT will be working on more independence with feeding, and Speech therapy will be working on communication. The ST wants me to take pictures of Morgans things around the house, and things she likes to do and email them to her. They will be working on association with objects and pictures, and the PEC communication she has worked on before. They all spoke about her improved receptive communication, her understanding, and her improved awareness of her surroundings. Also, she is so interactive now and expressive of what she wants. It was such a positive meeting, and geered toward helping her progress. Again, so very thankful for Morgans wonderful team of teachers and therapists,and so thankful how far Morgan has come I the last year!

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