Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Progressing in therapy

On Monday, the therapists challenged Morgan by putting her communication book in different places, behind her, on her left side, on the floor, etc. to progress her in her communication. The next step in the PECS picture communication is for Morgan to go looking for her picture book when she wants to tell us something. They have the object she wants in front of her, but she must give the therapist the picture of it first before she gets it. She was challenged by having the book out of her sight, but did well when looking behind her and to the left to try and get it. I have been working with her on signing some. I help her to sign the word "more" when she wants more of some activity she is doing. She really is motivated by jumping and is starting to sign "more" by herself to get to jump some more. We are still being challenged very much so by keeping Morgan from climbing on all the furniture in our house. Our living room is definitely a place to keep her safe and not a place to have my furniture arranged nicely. Chairs are pushed against the wall, padding is on the fireplace hearth, the ottoman is sitting in recliner. Yesterday, she was standing in the recliner and pushing against the back of it and almost tipped it over backward! All the prayers for improved motor skills have been answered, so I am thankful. Just need prayers for energy to keep up with her and to watch her every second.

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