Monday, March 11, 2013

"Tomorrow will be a turn around day!"

Dr. Clark and Dr.Lee came in just now to say she was looking good. They said the sleepiness is normal for the first three days after surgery. They said that tomorrow she will perk up. She does open her eyes and tries to participate with her therapies but still has a flat affect. However she is looking more to her left and had good head control when they stood her up in the stander. She also moved her left arm and raised it up at her shoulder! The director of rehab will be in later to assess her to see if she needs to go to inpatient rehab for awhile for more intensive therapy. Praise The Lord for her progress today and still praying for a speedy recovery. Oh and yes, very importantly, thanks to The Lord that she has had no more seizures since a very brief one on Saturday night!

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of when I was with my brother after his brain surgery. He had such a flat affect, very quiet, wanted to just sleep, no interaction with others unless asked a specific question. It was hard to see him like that because he is so opposite of that, talkative, cracking jokes, life of the party etc. All this to say, it was the brain swelling after surgery that caused this. After about a week, he was his ol self again. Take courage my friend, Morgan IS that beautiful, energetic, bundle of joy that The Lord blessed you with. Remember what I told you about my brother at retreat, he is a WALKING miracle, and Morgan IS too! ~Love, Margie
