Friday, March 8, 2013

Second Surgery Started!

They took her back around 9:00 this morning. The surgeon came in and was very positive, saying he knows exactly where to go! Most of it will be a disconnection, which causes less blood loss. There will be a small part that will actually be removed. He said this surgery will actually be easier on her than the first one! She will feel so much better. Praise The Lord, we knew it! She won't be hooked up to any wires and will be able to move around. I will keep you all posted. They just came back and gave an update that the surgeon is going in! Procedure should take about two hours. We are feeling the prayers. I have such peace right now, and I see it in Billy too.

1 comment:

  1. xShe and you all have been in my presence and know the God will come through with this. I will pray at 2pm for wisdom guidance and direction . Hang in therelittyle one and everyone else. Words can't express how happy I am and will be . Tamra Johnston
