Sunday, March 31, 2013
MRI went well
Morgan had her MRI on Friday. It is a process because they have to put her under anesthesia. We got there before
7 am, she went back around 9, and we were out of there close to 12 noon. Because she has a vagus nerve stimulator, which is a magnet, neurology had to come and turn it off beforehand. She came out of anesthesia quickly, was awake and content when we first saw her. We will find out the results on Tuesday when we go for her follow up appointment with Dr. Lee and Dr. Clark. I will keep you posted of course.
Morgan had a big weekend. On Saturday, we went for our annual get together with my family. This was the first time since her surgery that she has really been out around lots of people. She did very well. I helped her to hunt Easter eggs, she rode around in a wagon, and she hung out with family and ate lots of food. It was a beautiful day. Everyone said how alert she was and how she seemed so much more aware of her surroundings. She also smiled a lot, that little half grin that you see in the pictures. Then, today, she went to church for the first time since the surgery. We went to my parent's church in Mason, the church I grew up in. She did great. However, after her nap today, she couldn't even stand up. She was holding her head to the left and dragging her left leg. I really think she was in a postictal state, which just means symptoms after a seizure. I have seen her do it before. She must have had seizures during her nap, and this caused temporary weakness and confusion. It only lasted a few minutes but then she seemed pretty tired the rest of the day. Thank you for your continued prayers for these awful seizures to stop! We are thankful for the improvements we have seen so far and continue to pray for many more.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Better days. MRI tomorrow
It has been awhile since I have posted pictures. One reason being that she hadn't smiled much lately and hadn't been feeling very good. However, today I got some good ones of her walking! She walks all around the house now by herself. In these pics, she was in the kitchen(her favorite spot) and was reaching for something to eat. Then there is a picture that Billy took of her yesterday in therapy on a swing. The last two days in therapy, she has done very well, and has been more alert. Most likely because she has been sleeping better and having less seizures the last two nights! Praise The Lord! She has been smiling some again. She also continues to be more aware of her surroundings. Family members have noticed too. She watches what is going on, noticing other people around her. She interacts us with us more rather than being stuck in her own world. Just now, she followed Billy into the bedroom and stood and watched as he hung up clothes!
Tomorrow she has the MRI. I am a little down about having to do it. She is doing better and I just don't like having to put her under anesthesia again. But the doctors need to make sure everything looks ok since the surgery, especially since she was having so many seizures.
I want to thank you all again for all the prayers. They mean so much to us and have kept us going. I want you all to know that I read every comment you make on the blog or Facebook. I just don't respond individually to them as I would not be able to respond to all of them. It means so much to hear from you, either from friends I have known forever, or ones I have never personally met, or haven't talked to in years. I thank you for the words of encouragement, advice, scriptures, or sharing experiences. God bless you all!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Long night again
Another sleepless night of seizures back to back. Poor baby. So of course she wasn't as alert for her therapy today, but did participate. The therapists were very impressed that now she is able to get up to kneeling from lying on the floor, can stand by herself, and is walking some. Yesterday the PT put her in a gait trainer to help support her posture and she walked around the gym! She is using her left hand, although doesn't prefer to if her right hand can do it. So the therapists hold down her right hand and make her use her left to reach for something she really wants (like a banana). I see such progress, but these awful seizures are interfering. They zap her energy, however, I pray they are not effective in harming her in any way. Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please pray for some sleep for all of us tonight!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Walking by herself!
Yesterday was a big day in many ways. We had Will's birthday party and his first baseball game of the season. Morgan had her first big outing since the surgeries, going to both. She sat in her new stroller during the game and for some of the party. Then we got her out and she walked around the party, holding onto my mom and mother-in-law's hands. She was almost running, as she was leading them where she wanted to go! Then, last night, I let go of her hand when leading her out of the bathroom (forgetting she hasn't walked since the surgery, as I was preoccupied with knocking over a flashlight). When I remembered and looked up, she was halfway down the hall! She kept her balance and didn't fall! Praise The Lord for good balance! This morning, she is smiling again and seems to feel better! I know it is going to be a good day. Next week will be busy. I am starting back to work some. I just work part time anyway, and I have lots of help. Our family is helping to get her to therapy and keep her until our nurse starts. It will probably be a couple more weeks until she can return to school. Anyway, just letting you all know that I won't be posting daily anymore. I will post a few times a week to continue to give updates on how she is doing. The prayers are still greatly appreciated. Thank you also for the prayers for Will. He just turned 7. He seems to be taking it all ok but I know that it was hard being juggled around during our hospital stay. We explain it to him as much as we can, and it was good for him to see her in the hospital. He also prays for her seizures to stop(he has seen her have those awful things). I pray that one day, they will run and play together and be the best of friends. Thank you Lord.
Friday, March 22, 2013
A day at home
No therapy on Fridays, at least not in Cedar Park. I worked with her at home some. She is just about walking by herself( when she is not tired). My mom came and stayed with her for awhile so I could run some errands, that was so nice.
Morgan had some seizures today, having two in less than an hour during her nap. She still seems to not feel good. That's why I haven't posted any recent pictures. She doesn't have that sparkle of happiness in her eyes and has not smiled in awhile. It is so hard for me to see her this way, and I don't know what to do for her. Also, she can't tell me how she feels yet. It is frustrating for both of us. I know that one day, she will be able to talk and tell me. I pray for patience in waiting on that day.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Less seizures
Morgan slept good last night and had very few seizures today. Praise The Lord! She seemed more tired during therapy today, probably because her appointment was so early this morning and she slept in the car on the way there. However, the therapists still said she did good. They really worked her hard on the mat, the ball, the platform swing, and sitting on a bench. She made good eye contact and was attentive to task. She did some good weightbearing on her left arm and leg and did lots of trunk/core strengthening. She used the communication device again today with assistance. I have really been enjoying this time to be with her and see her progress so much in her therapy. I am so very thankful for my wonderful boss for allowing me so much time off. I am really blessed to work in such a wonderful place. Through this trial, I have really learned a lot. It really has strengthened me and hopefully made me a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and person. That's what I pray for anyway.
Thank you to everyone!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for everything you have done: whether it be cards, flowers, phone calls, balloons, meals, gift cards, goodies for Will and Morgan, visits, prayers, hugs, thoughts, and encouraging words. It all is so appreciated. I want everyone to know how much it all means to us. I can no way thank you all enough. I am sorry I most likely wont be getting out thank you cards (it has been a little more crazy around here than I thought). Please know that we treasure each and every way that you all have shown how much you care. We are so very blessed and thankful for such loving and supportive friends and family. God bless you all, Jeananne, Billy, Will, and Morgan
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Better day today!!
Praise God she had a better day today. She did have some seizures but not as many. We had the follow up appointment with her doctor today. Although they fully understood my concern about the increase in seizures, they said that her brain just needs time to heal. "She did have a major brain surgery". They ordered an MRI just to make sure there isn't any excessive bleeding, but they really didn't think they would find any. They said her incision looked great and all else seemed to be good. Anyway, I felt so much better after the appointment.
Morgan did great in her therapy today. She received PT, OT, and ST. The therapists commented that she was already doing more than on Monday. She was more alert and interactive. She used a communication device, with assistance.
We are all very thankful for a better day and are praying for a restful night with no seizures!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A sleepless night
Morgan had another rough night last night and did not feel good today. She had seizures all night last night even after I had to give her the Diastat(emergency seizure medication). I got dressed and was headed to the ER again when her seizures lessened some in intensity and frequency, after lots of praying. She has not felt good today, understandably. I cancelled her therapies for today as she needed her rest. I was exhausted too but can't imagine how she must have felt, not sleeping plus having seizures all night. Poor baby. She is such a trooper though and when she perked up some, I of course did some therapy with her myself. Today she pulled herself up into a sitting position by herself. She was able to stand without holding onto anything for about three seconds. Tomorrow we have a postoperative follow up appointment with Dr. Lee's NP, and I have lots of questions.
Despite the little setback, I see so much progress and see so much potential. I continue to focus on the progress. One true miracle today: her nurse that stayed with Morgan when she was three and was with us for over a year, is coming back to help us!! Long story short, we lost our most recent wonderful awesome faithful nurse the week before Morgans surgery as her husband got transferred to Houston. Having no nurse, I couldn't go back to work until Morgan went back to school. However, our first faithful nurse came through, and although she had resigned with the agency over a year ago, as she was so busy with her family, she is going back to work to help us! Praise God!
Monday, March 18, 2013
A rough day, but brighter days ahead!
Well today was a rough day. She had multiple seizures. I called the doctor who said it could be from the swelling or that we were wiening her off of the steroids too fast. He called in another prescription to increase her steroids and taper down more slowly. We know that The Lord led us to do this surgery, and we continue to stand against these awful seizures. I do continue to focus on her improvement and am so thankful for physical progress. She responded well to her therapies today. She is smiling more and even giggled a little when I tried to tickle her. Thanks for your continued prayers for her healing, specifically for the seizures to stop immediately.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Weekend progress
Morgan has gotten lots of rest this weekend. I know she is glad to be back in her own bed. I have still continued to work with her on her standing and walking, her sitting posture, and strengtheing of her left arm and hand. Today she sat on her platform swing and held her balance while I was swinging her. She walks now with only minimal assistance. She is also able to use her left hand some to play with a toy. Tomorrow she starts her outpatient therapy. We are thankful for all the progress and continue to pray for healing.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Home now!!
We are finally home! Just posted a couple of pictures of her almost smiling and using her fork to help feed herself! She did help feed her self some before surgery but hadn't since the surgery. She seems happy to be home. However, she did have four seizures today, two on the way home and two when we got home. Maybe it from the stress of the transition. She has not had this many since her surgery. Dr. Lee said seizures were possible for the first few weeks due to the swelling. However, after being home for awhile and with lots of praying, she perked up and started smiling, like in the pictures. She also worked hard again with therapy. She was moving her left wrist today. She also sat up by herself. She was able to get on her hands and knees and put weight through all extremities and hold that position with only a little assistance! She is improving daily. Prayers please for the seizures to stop!
Tired and ready to go home
We are leaving the hospital! Morgan worked hard again with PT this morning, however seemed a little more tired and distracted. I think she knows it is time to go home. We are all set up for her outpatient therapy on Monday. We will continue to keep you posted on her progress. Thank you all again for the prayers throughout this journey of recovery.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Going home tomorrow!
She is making progress daily! All her therapists have said so. Today she stood with PT, was leaning against a table, but was able to stand on her own without any assistance to stabilize her legs! Everyone says how alert she is, and she is more interactive with her therapies. I have noticed better eye contact.
She is noticing her incision more and starting to scratch it, but other than that she doesn't seem to have as much discomfort or pain. She still gets very tired after all the hard work so we are sure to let her take naps as needed. She has had a couple of small seizures over the last two days so we continue to pray for these to totally stop.
Dr. Lee said she is doing great and he is ready for her to be released from the hospital. However, the inpatient rehab process is difficult. It takes a while to get insurance approval and she would have to stay a minimum of two to three weeks. After much prayer, we are at peace with doing outpatient rehab instead. She can then be discharged tomorrow and we can come home! We will then get her started with outpatient pediatric rehab in Cedar Park. She will probably need 4 times a week at first, then can probably decrease frequency after that. We are still figuring it all out, but we will make it happen somehow. I just feel so much better about this decision because we can get home and she can rest so much better in her own bed. We continue to be so thankful for all our blessings!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Still making progress!
She has already had a busy day. She worked hard with speech therapy and physical therapy. She was able to sit up all by herself for several minutes! She was also weight bearing better on her left leg when walking. She interacted with the speech therapist, making better eye contact and touching a toy to make it play music. Still not a lot of movement in the left arm yet.
She did have a couple of very small seizures yesterday, but the doctors say this is ok and is common for the first few weeks due to post surgery and swelling. She has a vagus nerve stimulator, which is like a pacemaker for the brain, and they increased the doseage on that yesterday. They increase the settings gradually.
The caseworker came in and said she will try and get the process started for going to an inpatient rehab in San Anotnio. They feel that daily intensive specialized therapy is very important in the beginning. Hopefully, we can make it work out for about a week then transition to outpatient services closer to home, about three times a week. We are still praying about what would be best for her and for our family. We still have some things to get worked out. Hopefully we can stay here in the hospital until Friday to continue with the therapy here( which has been wonderful). She gets PT, OT, ST, and music therapy every day, plus they leave equipment in the room for me to work with her whenever. We are so thankful for all the wonderful support and prayers that we receive daily. Through all of this, amazingly, I have stayed at peace.
Also, wanted you all to know that Will is doing great, having a blast on his spring break. He is with my mother in law and father in law and has played with friends and cousins nonstop! We are so thankful for everyone that has offered to help with him.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
More alert today!!
Morgan woke up before me today and her eyes were wide open and she was looking around! Dr. Lee and Dr. Clark were very pleased. She worked very hard for all her therapies. She had better posture and trunk control today. She is looking fully to the left side now. She is also moving her left arm a little more. Way to go Morgan! We are so proud of her. She has really been a trooper. All the nurses say how sweet she is, that she never fusses when they mess with her, she takes her medicine well, and is just cooperative with everyone. We could tell she was having a little more discomfort today so we are trying to stay ahead of the pain. She has been trying to scratch at her head today, probably starting to itch now.
Now we are facing the big decision of where to go from here. The rehab director came in and assessed her. She recommended that Morgan go to inpatient rehab. There is not a pediatric inpatient in Austin. The closest one is in San Antonio. This would be where she could get the most intensive therapy. Billy and I are still praying about what would be best for Morgan and for our family. If we took her to San Antonio for rehab she might have to be there for a week or two. We want the best for her but we still need to consider our home, our son, and our jobs. It wouldn't be as close as Austin where we can easily go back and forth. Thank you all for your continued prayers. We are already seeing miracles take place. God is so good!
Monday, March 11, 2013
More progress!
Just wanted to let you all know that the specific prayers for strength of her left side worked immediately today. This afternoon, I wanted her to try and walk. I held her up and helped her stand and get some weight through her left leg. Then I helped her take a few steps, but this time she advanced her left leg forward herself without assistance and had improved muscle strength in her leg(her knee didn't buckle on her). She was also much more alert the whole afternoon. Already seeing the progress the doctors said would happen and what we were already believing for her! Praise God!
"Tomorrow will be a turn around day!"
Dr. Clark and Dr.Lee came in just now to say she was looking good. They said the sleepiness is normal for the first three days after surgery. They said that tomorrow she will perk up. She does open her eyes and tries to participate with her therapies but still has a flat affect. However she is looking more to her left and had good head control when they stood her up in the stander. She also moved her left arm and raised it up at her shoulder!
The director of rehab will be in later to assess her to see if she needs to go to inpatient rehab for awhile for more intensive therapy.
Praise The Lord for her progress today and still praying for a speedy recovery.
Oh and yes, very importantly, thanks to The Lord that she has had no more seizures since a very brief one on Saturday night!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Long day of hard work for Morgan
Just wanted to give a further update on the rest of Morgan's day. We are thankful that today she had better posture, better head control, and ate consistently. She has still been very sleepy, and we voiced our concern to the weekend neurologist. He said that a lot of times after this type of surgery their system gets "stunned". This means that they don't want to do anything unless they are prompted to do so. This is normal at first and as along as she is making progress daily, all is good. Well she has gotten a lot of prompting from us. We have sat her up in the bed and on the edge of the bed. We took her in a wheelchair around the hospital. We helped her walk in the room two more times today. She requires assistance to stand, her left knee buckles, and she needs assistance to help advance her left leg forward when walking. Also, her left arm is pretty flaccid right now. However, she was so much more alert after we did all this activity with her! She opened her eyes better and didn't drop her head over to the left anymore to try and go back to sleep. She worked so hard today, and we are so proud of her. We are praying specifically for continued progress tomorrow and strength in the left arm and leg. We are also continuing to pray for healing and restoration in her body, especially her brain. Thank you all for standing with us!!
Moving on up!
She is being moved up from ICU up to the third floor in just a few minutes. She slept all night last night. PT was in this morning early and helped her walk again. She was more alert. However, she tires easily and wants to sleep ALOT. Dr. Clark was in again and says this is normal for such a big surgery. He says she is looking very good. Tomorrow PT will try and put her in a stander to try and get more weight bearing through her left leg.
I will continue to work with her too. I sat her up on the edge of the bed and fed her. Also trying to help her move her left side. We are putting her in a wheelchair to transfer her to her new room. She is sitting up good in it and holding her head up better today. Got to go and help transfer her up!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
PT and OT here today
Today was a big day for Morgan. She wanted to sleep a lot. However, when OT and PT came in to work with her, she was a trooper and worked with them. She actually walked with PT! Her left side is weak, but thanks to many prayers, she is actively moving her left side. She was weightbearing on her left leg and advancing it forward herself. AND she was very sleepy throughout the whole thing. So just imagine what she can do when she's not wanting to sleep all the time.
Dr. Clark said she is doing wonderful for the first day after surgery. He is pleased with how she looks.
My sister and I also sat her up in the tumble form chairs and fed her. It was great for her to sit up, and she ate quite a lot, especially since not eating any all day.
Thanks for the continued prayers for healing.
Saturday: day 1 after second surgery
She had a good night last night. No seizures, but they have put her on lots of seizure meds. She will be on them for awhile. Dr. Lee said because seizures are possible for the first few weeks post op.
OT was in this morning and sat her up on the side of the bed for about 15 minutes. She was holding her head up and is moving her left side! Our specific prayer is for strength of the left side as it could be affected for a little while because of surgery to the right side of the brain. But with lots of therapy, the left side will come back. She is back asleep now since therapy wore her out. Will continue to keep you posted. Thanks again and again for all your prayers! God is so good!
Friday, March 8, 2013
"The surgery went perfect!"
She is out ( has actually been out a couple of hours just haven't had a chance to post until now). Dr. Lee said the surgery went perfect. She is doing really good, just hasn't woke up yet. At least she seems comfortable. It was hard to see her the first time since they didnt have a bandage on her head. She also has a tube in her mouth to keep her tongue forward until she wakes up. She has an incision on her neck too from the vagus nerve stimulator(which is basically a pacemaker for the brain).
We are in ICU and will be for a day or so until they move her up to a room.
I will continue to keep you all posted on anything new.
God's Presence
Now that I have a few minutes, just wanted to share some of the amazing things The Lord has already done this week.
First, he has appointed our medical team. Dr. Clark and Dr. Lee are among the very best. They are so calm, knowledgeable, confident, personable, and reassuring. Our nurses have been nothing short of phenomenal. Carrie, our day nurse was actually off work today but asked to come in today so she could stay with Morgan! She is the one updating us throughout the surgery.
Another amazing, but of course less important, however, amazing if you know me, is the fact I was able to sleep all night in the hospital Tuesday night. She had been having seizures all night, which is huge, cause they turn on all the lights and shout out what's happening to the cameras. I didnt even know it. Also, the nurse said Morgan was up playing for two hours and she stayed with her. I knew nothing about it. That shows that The Lord gave me the peace and comfort to sleep. I totally trusted the staff to take care of her. I probably got more sleep that night than I ever do at home. Those of you that know me, know I am always up throughout the night checking on Morgan because she always had seizures at night. But not anymore, thank you Lord!
There are more amazing stories that I will try and post later.
Our wonderful, God sent nurse,(more on her later), keeps coming in to give us updates. She says Dr. Clark called her and said everything is going great, she is doing good. The nurse(Carrie) stated "Dr. Clark is in good spirits!" Praise God!
Second Surgery Started!
They took her back around 9:00 this morning. The surgeon came in and was very positive, saying he knows exactly where to go! Most of it will be a disconnection, which causes less blood loss. There will be a small part that will actually be removed. He said this surgery will actually be easier on her than the first one! She will feel so much better. Praise The Lord, we knew it! She won't be hooked up to any wires and will be able to move around. I will keep you all posted.
They just came back and gave an update that the surgeon is going in!
Procedure should take about two hours.
We are feeling the prayers. I have such peace right now, and I see it in Billy too.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thursday: waiting and resting
Today is just a day of trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. No more testing. They have all the necessary information. She had a good night last night, no seizures, and slept very soundly. She woke up around 8 and ate a little breakfast. She was reaching for her banana( which is her favorite)and even feeding herself some! Also, making some of her happy sounds. Sitting up now in a chair with me and sleeping again. Have been trying to move her around to break up the congestion in her lungs. RT comes in every four hours to help with that. Dr. Clark came in and said we are still on for in the morning and that she is looking good. He said they would disconnect the part only, rather than totally removing it. This will not disrupt the vascular flow. Praise God! The doctors and nurses and entire medical team here has been so wonderful! I know this is a blessing from God, an answer to all the prayers.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Second surgery set for Friday!
Dr. Lee, the neurosurgeon, just came in and said, "we are ready!". This means that they have all the information they need to be able to go in and get rid of the bad part! Since testing is over, they have stopped making her have seizures and have put her back on some seizure meds so she can rest. And resting, she is! She is very comfortable now and is in a sound sleep (didn't even notice the bling we put on her turban dressing).
We continue to be amazed at all of God's glory. We are so blessed to have such an abundance of prayers from all of our dear friends, family, and even those we have never met.
Bedside Brain Mapping
Dr. Clark has just completed Morgan's "brain mapping" procedure. I was able to sit in and observe while he performed his magic. Dr. Clark is a very soft spoken man & this helped me to feel at ease because I knew God was guiding his hands. This was very interesting & very emotional for a mom to watch, but I wouldn't of changed it for the world. He was able to determine the exact location of the seizure source (Praise The Lord). He stimulated the motor complex part of Morgan's brain & he determined the surgery would NOT effect her motor skills by the removal of the damaged area (anterior temporal). This surgery is tentatively set for Friday. We do not know the exact time of the surgery but will keep everyone posted. Keep the prayers going...they are working...God is Awesome!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Dr. Clark just came in and said that he has seen lots of "activity" in ONE area of the brain. He is feeling much more positive as they have not seen any seizures coming from any other parts of the brain. This is so awesome because a localized area of "activity" means ALL of the bad part can be removed. His last comment was, " but we will see". So specific prayers please that no other areas are causing problems, and All bad parts are operable. And "we will see" the Hand of God on our little girl, as we already have in so many ways.
Day 1 in EMU
Today is a day of watching and waiting seizures. They need to "capture them" so they will know exactly where they are coming from.
She had a good night last night. We are thankful she got rest and was comfortable, however, she didn't have any seizures. Even though we are are wanting her to have seizures(never thought I would say that) I am thankful she was able to rest last night after that long day yesterday. The nurses said it is very common for them not to have seizures the first night due to all the anesthesia.
She is still sleeping comfortably this morning but has opened her eyes a few times and taken some sips of apple juice.
We are praying for a good day to day, that she stays comfortable and that the staff is able to get the info. they need. We are thankful, Lord, that You are with her entire medical team and giving them wisdom.
Monday, March 4, 2013
In the EMU
Well we are finally done and in a room in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. They will be monitoring the seizures and studying the source for the next few days.
She is doing good, is asleep, but has been responding and has opened her eyes a few times. She seems comfortable at the moment. It has just been a very long day for all of us.
Thank you all again so much for all the prayers and encouraging words. It really has given us peace to get through this difficult time.
Surgery update
Dr. Clark just came out to personally tell us that Morgan is doing good. The placement of the grid for brain mapping is over. He said it went very well, so finished up faster than they thought. They are closing her up now, will do the post-op MRI and the PICC and then send her up to a room!
MRI and Cage placement started
They just took her back, so a little late getting started. She has been peaceful and calm all morning. Billy and I are holding up good, surrounded by our amazing family in friends, both present and in thoughts and prayers. Dr. Lee said surgery would be about 6 hours. Nurses will be calling us periodically to update us so we will keep posting throughout the day.
Waiting on Surgery
Still waiting to go in for surgery. All preliminary work is done. The team working with her is awesome. She is calm and happy right now. She will have an MRI first and then the surgery. Will keep you all posted. Thank you all for your prayers.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
If anyone would like to commit to pray in a 15 minute time slot for tomorrow's surgery for Morgan, please post your name here in the comment section. I will put you on one of the four "branches" of prayer we have growing right now! We are covering the 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow. We will also cover surgery 2, but will do so after tomorrow. The Lord gave us a beautiful picture of each "branch" which each has people who pray or "leaves" and then as I was explaining it to Jeananne, the scripture Rev. 22:1 came right out of my mouth that "the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations and for Morgan!"
Jesus was the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. He is also the Vine and we are the branches. The Father is the vinedresser and does the pruning. We are petitioning Heaven and standing on God's Word to receive this miracle for Miracle Morgan!
Miracle Morgan's Prayer Scriptures
The following
are some of Jeananne’s favorite scriptures to pray for Miracle Morgan. It would
be awesome if we could all be praying these for Morgan at the same time and
throughout her surgery in the 15 minute increments slots as well as anytime the
Lord lays her on our hearts. Please feel free to pray as the Holy Spirit leads,
since He is our Helper and is the Spirit of Jesus in the Earth. I have put the
KJV of each scripture followed by its personalization on Morgan’s behalf. Except
one, I used the NIV translation. The Word of God is alive and it is sharper
than any two-edged sword and it accomplishes whereunto it is sent and it
pierces through the joint and the marrow (Hebrews 4:12)—so applying God’s Word
to a situation can be likened to applying a special moisturizer to eczema— the
continued and repeated application can bring about a true change to the area it
is applied when done so early and often. God Himself stepped out onto the void
of our universe and SAID “Let there be light—or literally ‘Light be’” and it
was. He did not say, “Wow, it sure is dark out here, or I wish we had some
light.” He SPOKE IT. And Jesus Himself, when faced with SATAN in person, SPOKE
GOD’S WORD. THE WRITTEN Word of God. He could have done anything, called down
angels or lightning or whatever, but, He used God’s Word to do battle with the
Devil. Who are we to think we should stand on anything else? And to this day,
is it any wonder that Light is the fastest moving thing in the universe. It
harkened unto the voice of the Creator and was formed and moved and has never
stopped. The boys and I studied the speed of light the other day while
homeschooling--- and it travels 186,000 MILES PER SECOND.—or 7.5 times around
the Earth’s equator in a SECOND!!! WOW! PRAISE BE TO THE MOST HIGH GOD--- Who
was and is and is to come HE IS THE I AM!! He is bigger than these seizures. We
must stand together in unity according to His Word and see it come to pass.
One last thought is that faith is
the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen. Hebrews
11:1. So, submit your faith as evidence of Morgan’s healing—don’t be Thomas and
wait to see it for yourself---Jesus said blessed are those who believe who have
NOT seen. In fact, God devoted an entire Chapter, Hebrews 11, as the HALL OF
FAITH… *READ THE WHOLE CHAPTER!!) it is chalked full of those who believed God
when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, so if you are stepping out
in faith on behalf of Morgan, you are in good company and Your Heavenly Father
accounts that to you as righteousness. Jesus marveled at only two things while
he walked this Earth, faith and the lack thereof. May He marvel at our faith in
this time! Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father and everlives to
intercede on our behalf—Luke 22:69 Romans 8:34
James Version (KJV)
23 For
verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but
shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith.
I am a whosoever. Prayer Warrior, You are a whosoever. SO, say to
that mountain of seizures—to be removed and be cast in the sea—and don’t doubt
in your heart and believe those things will come to pass and you shall have
whatsoever you say, according to God’s will.
Matthew 19:26
James Version (KJV)
26 But Jesus
beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all
things are possible.
James Version (KJV)
8 Then
shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth
speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.
Then shall Morgan’s light break forth as the morning and Morgan’s
health shall spring forth SPEEDILY and the Righteous One will go before her and
the glory of the Lord SHALL BE Morgan’s reward.
James Version (KJV)
5 But he was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our
peace was upon him; and with his stripes
we are healed.
But HE (Jesus)
was wounded for Morgan’s transgressions; He was bruised for Morgan’s
iniquities. * The chastisement of Morgan’s peace was upon Him and with His
stripes Morgan is healed.
and iniquities are those things that were done by Adam and her ancestry or the
sin she was “born into”)
IPeter 2:24
confirms the scripture that was written by the prophet Isaiah when it says—By
His stripes we WERE healed. It is past tense because Jesus already did the work
at the cross and conquered death hell and the grave!
James Version (KJV)
31 But
they that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
But Morgan waits upon the Lord and shall have her strength renewed;
Morgan shall mount up with wings as eagles; Morgan will RUN and not grow weary
and she will walk and not faint!
As a sidenote, I remember seeing Jeananne’s blue eyes back in
college in the ASU track girl’s locker room one day as we spoke about this scripture
and her calling it her very favorite scripture.
James Version (KJV)
For I know the
plans I have for you,” declares
the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future.
“For I know the plans
I have for you, Morgan” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you, Morgan, a hope and a future.”
James Version (KJV)
13 And all
thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and
great shall be the peace of thy children.
And Morgan AND Will shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall
be the peace of Morgan AND Will.
James Version (KJV)
21 Jesus
answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt
not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye
shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;
it shall be done.
James Version (KJV)
13 I can
do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
I thank you, Lord, that Billy and Jeananne and Morgan and Will can
do all things through Christ who strengthens them!
Jesus took the five loaves and fish and lifted them to His Father
in Heaven and GAVE THANKS and BLESSED them and THEN the miracle was released
and the food was multiplied to feed the 5,000. In the same way, we lift Morgan
Johnson this day and this very hour and give thanks for her and bless her and
expectantly await the miracle to break forth in her body—in Your Precious Son’s
name! Amen
Friday, March 1, 2013
Morgan' Surgery
Morgan's first surgery is set for this coming Monday March 4th at 11:15 am. at Dells Children's Hospital in Austin.
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