Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Last night Morgan came to me requesting to be tickled and would giggle and laugh! She would come sit down with me on the chair and then grab my hands to put on her stomach to tickle. She would laugh and then run off and come back. This went on for about 30 minutes. It was great! So awesome to see her happy, interactive, and communicating. And so awesome to hear the laughter! The laughter that was taken from her and that we prayed to come back! Thank you, Lord. Yesterday, we went to get Morgan registered to get ABA therapy( Applied Behavioral Analysis). A trained behavioral therapist would come out to our house and help teach us to work with Morgan and help her communicate and behave more appropriately. This would be so helpful for us! We just have to get all the testing and documents in place and then hopefully have services in a few months. So looking back over the past week, it was a pretty good week. Yes, there were some melt downs, but there were some enjoyable moments too. So thankful for the fun times and the laughter!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, Jeananne!! It's so wonderfully encouraging to hear your child laugh again. I'm SO happy for you and your family. GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!! . . . . Prayers and best wishes, Nancy, Henry & Joseph Coram
