Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Going off all seizure meds!

Morgan had an appointment with Dr. Clark yesterday. Again, he said she looked so amazing. He said we can reduce her meds slowly again until she is completely off! He said she is doing great. The EEG did show some "activity" but it was in the right temporal lobe which is the part that is disconnected! "So therefore it should not affect her" Dr. Clark said. We KNOW it will NOT affect her. Thank you for joining with us in prayer. Also, he is referring Morgan to another specialist, a director of rehab that can help us get more intense therapy for her. Thank you for your continued prayers for strength and wisdom as we deal with behavior issues. However, it is a good sign she is developing and progressing as she knows what she wants. We pray she is able to communicate in a positive way and channel these behaviors appropriately. And yes, we believe she will communicate by talking!


  1. Jeananne, wonderful news!!! I know God is hearing all of the prayers we offer for the Johnson family and especially little Princess....thank you for keeping us all posted. Big hugs to you and Billy for pursuing all available options on Morgan's behalf. I know she hugs you also!!! My HUG, G. Ruth

  2. This is such great news! We will continue to pray for your family and specifically Morgan, that she will continue to make progress! Joyce Gholson

  3. We believe she will communicate by talking as well! Can't wait until that day comes! We will continuing praying for you all!
