Monday, June 17, 2013

Interacting and communicating in therapy

Today, The OT and ST were very impressed with Morgan! She is using PECS(picture exchange communication system), which is using pictures as your words to communicate what you want. She takes the picture of the activity she wants to do, and hands it to the therapist, then she gets to do that activity. She did not get as agitated today and was smiling and interacting with the therapists. We discussed starting her back on the listening therapy program, which is using specific musical tones to help with brain functioning. I had purchased the headphones and CD series a couple of years ago and used it with her. However, it didn't seem to help much back then. Now, that she is seizure free, her brain is healing, and she is learning, it should be a good time to start that with her. It is so exciting to see her progressing! What is also so awesome, is seeing the excitement in her therapists. They are so caring and want to see Morgan do well too! We thank God for leading us to such a wonderful team of therapists.

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