Friday, April 19, 2013

Smiles and kisses

Morgan has been smiling lots and giving kisses this week. Her standing and walking balance has been amazing. Such a miracle! Before the surgery, she was falling multiple times a day. We are also thankful she is feeling much better since her recent illness. However, she has been very hyperactive the last few days. I feel it must be from the antibiotic. Please join us in praying peace over her and our family. The high pitched screaming is stressful on our whole family. And all thy children shall be taught of The Lord and GREAT SHALL BE THE PEACE OF THY CHILDREN. Thank you Lord for that peace for Morgan.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for all of you---thankful for the positive things you see :) Joining you in praying for peace over your family. Blessings,
    Donna Jones
