Morgan had a busy weekend. She went to camp again, the Jill's house camp that she went to last June. She had a good time again, but a little more struggle the first day because of the rain. The bus was late to pick them up and she was stuck to wait inside the building while it was raining. Her frustration mounted an she banged her head, causing a nose bleed. However, the rest of the weekend was ok because she was able to go outside with her own child care specialist who was with her the whole time. They went on walks, played chase, and went on the swing. There was also some painting involved. While she was a camp, we all went to Horseshoe Bay for some lake activities. It was fun, but we all agreed, we weren't complete because Morgan wasn't with us. We are praying for her behavior to get under control where we can take her places without the major melt downs. She has been banging her head a lot at school. She is adjusting to the new place, new schedule, and new teachers. The behavioral therapist will start with us next week. She will come to our home on Mondays for a two hour session. I spoke with the therapist on the phone last week. She was very encouraging. She said we were already on the right track with a lot of what we have been doing with Morgan. We will be working on finding rewards that motivate her to do good behavior and then making consequences for the bad behavior. I am looking forward to our session next week.