Tuesday, May 28, 2013
She will run and not be weary
And walk and not faint! This scripture I have been saying over her nightly for the last couple of years. I have been believing that some day she would run and not fall or lose her balance. Well I just posted a picture of her running yesterday, not only just three months after brain surgery, but down our bumpy, uneven dirt road!! She loves to run now, it is so awesome! I was hoping that all this exercise would help her sleep better, but last night she was up until 12:30, wide awake. It kind of reminded me of the nights when she had reactions to medications except this time she was happy as long as she could be up. So we went driving around at midnight last night. I think it must have been the ibuprofen that kept her up? I gave her some last night because she has been crying from her teeth coming in. This is the only different thing I had given her. Anyway, please pray for rest tonight. I used to be a person that needed lots of sleep but God has really given me strength to deal with what I get. I pray that each minute will be stretched as if it is three minutes, and that I will wake up restful.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
So the dentist found that she is getting molars. Already has one broke through on the top right and one is coming in the bottom right. This explains the crankiness. Glad to know it was nothing serious like an abscess or a broken cap. I was wondering if she is hypersensitive on this side since the surgery was on the right side of the brain? Anyway, all else is good. She has her follow up appointment with Dr. Clark on June 11. We had to reschedule with Dr. Lee, her neurosurgeon because he was going to out of town on that day. Spoke with his nurse and she said July or August was fine because he didn't have any concerns if we didn't. With Dr. Clark, her epileptologist, we will discuss possibly reducing seizure medications! Like we said before, it is our goal to get her off of them completely, but at least be able to reduce them significantly. She has the vagus nerve stimulator and we would rather increase that than be on the medicine. The medicine has so many side effects. We know God has healed her and we pray for no more seizure meds! Praise God for all HE has done and is doing to heal our precious girl!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Making choices
This week in therapy, Morgan has been working on making choices with pictures to get what she wants or what she wants to do. She picks a picture of what activity she wants or what snack she wants. We will start working on this at home too. Also, this week I have noticed different sounds she is making. Thank you Lord for the formation of words and language! She is becoming more opinionated and wants to do what she wants to. She is still exploring and into everything! She follows Will around and bangs on his door when he shuts the door to his room. We are headed to the dentist tomorrow because she has been cranky lately and putting everything in her mouth, mashing on the right side of her mouth. Hopefully, the dentist can help her out. Love to all, God bless!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Counting blessings, prayers still needed
We are counting our blessings, so thankful for Morgans improvements. She smiles, gives kisses, laughs when we tickle her and comes back for more! Looking at her improvements so far and remembering she is only less than two months out from surgery, it truly is amazing and confirms Gods miracle of work in her. So as we are praising Him for His healing so far, we are still praying and asking Him for continued healing. We pray for her brain to rewire and remap, for all the necessary connections to be made for her to develop appropriately. She is still far behind developmentally, since everything halted when she started having seizures. She needs to be able to sit calmly in class to be able to learn. Right now, she is exploring a lot, which is good to see. However, it is difficult because we are always having to keep her out of trouble. She is tall, so she is able to reach things on counters, tip over things, break things, etc. Billy and I would love to step away for a little while this summer, but not with her going through this stage right now. We would worry about the fatigue on our family. So thank you all for your continued prayers for her healing, that have kept us going through it all. God bless!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Good day at therapy
Morgan did very well in therapy today. She made choices between two toys to play with. She chose to do bubbles and was reaching for them with her left hand! She also did "tricks" on the ball and walked up steps. She made good eye contact, interacting, and smiling. Best part of all, when we got home today, she played hide and seek with Will! This is something she has not done in three years. For those of you that didn't know how she was before, she pretty much regressed since having seizures at age two. She had sunk into her own world, wouldn't smile and wouldn't interact. So you see the miracle?! We are enjoying her so much now. She grabs our face to give us kisses and greets Billy when he comes home, (she used to not even look at home when he walked in). Praise God! We are cherishing every minute.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Strengthened even more
So this week, we have really been tested, in waiting for test results. The doctors office said first that we needed to come in for the results. This startled me as they have always been quick to just give us results over the phone (they are always negative). Then when I called and firmly but politely pressed, they said the doctor would call me directly. Well that was on Wednesday and now it is Friday. However, during this time, Billy and I were strengthened as we gave it all over to The Lord. We are at peace because we know that it doesn't matter what the diagnosis is, God is already healing her. He is far above any diagnosis and He has already done an amazing work in her. I always said she would be a testimony one day and we would give God the glory. Whatever the diagnosis, God would use her even more to show His mighty miracle in her. So finally today, the doctor called. He said it was an inconclusive test. Not sure all details as he had to leave me a message so I was unable to ask questions. However, like I said, we are at peace and are just enjoying our little girl. We will discuss all this further at our appointment in a few weeks. Thank you all for you prayers. My patience lasted a lot longer with God seeing me through!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Prayer request
First want to say that Morgan is still doing great. She is still very busy exploring her world but is a lot calmer!! Praise God for answering my prayer that Great is her Peace and the peace of our family.
Last night Billy thought he heard Morgan having a seizure, but when he got in there to check on her, he did not see anything and she did not seem alarmed like she usually does after having one. So, I feel she didn't have one. Plus, she woke up happy and alert this morning. However, it got me to thinking about the need for continued prayer. Yes, God has already performed miracles in Morgan and we praise Him for that. However, she is still very far behind developmentally. We need prayer for her brain to rewire and make the right connections for overall progress in her development and learning. Also, many of you know we have pending genetic testing regarding the diagnosis that one doctor said she had. We believe strongly she does not have this, but I want to hear them say it. It took five months to test, and the results are sitting at her doctors office. He just has to review them and get back with us. I understand he is busy with the opening of the new wing at Dells, but please! Thank you Lord for patience!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Less hyper, just busy!
Morgan is much calmer! Yay! That makes the whole family happy! No more high pitched screaming or nonstop pacing or agitation. She is happy and calm, but busy, exploring her world. It is fun to watch her. She has been knocking her toys off the table and then trying to pick them up. Yes, it did get kind of annoying, especially to Will, but then I noticed that she was doing it to try and challenge herself to pick them up. This is amazing for a couple or reasons. First, just having the balance to reach over to the floor from a standing position without losing her balance. Also, the fact that she is challenging herself, is aware of her toys, and that they need to be picked up. She is also walking around carrying her toys. To those that know Morgan best, you know that this is amazing because she used to not have the strength or coordination to carry things especially when walking around. It was a fun day today because we could all go outside and Morgan could walk around and hang out with us without us having to contain her in her stroller. She kept her balance and did not fall down! Thank you, Lord for giving us fun family times that we can enjoy being with our precious Morgan. Thank you, Lord that she is happy which means she is feeling good and is not sick anymore!! Thank you, Lord for 3 weeks without a seizure!! What an awesome and amazing God!!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Hair growing back!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Reflecting on a miracle
I have been thinking back on the last year and realizing more and more about the miracle of healing that has occurred in Morgan already. I have been thinking of where all we have been and gone through and how it has brought us here. Last October, we were told by one doctor that she had a progressive brain disease, there was no treatment, and just to go home and love her. She said we could stop looking because that was the diagnosis. In January, she had cluster seizures, like 4-5 an hour and sometimes every 15 minutes. She had done this before, but usually the emergency Valium medication would help. However, one day in January it didn't help and we called the ambulance. In February, we were in the ER and in the hospital because her seizures wouldn't stop again. But in March, she underwent an amazing surgery, by an amazing doctor and team of specialists and of course her Great Physician, and here we are today!
Yesterday, Morgan grabbed my face with her hands, pulled me toward her, and gave me a kiss.
Today, her therapists told us she had made sooo much progress in the seven weeks since her surgery.
I will try and post more pictures of her soon, but she has been so active lately, it is hard to catch her!
Also, thanks for your prayers for Will, he is doing much better! Today he got a great job sticker at school! He is doing good in baseball and loves it. God bless you all!
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